Blog starter kit part 5: a dozen blogs by credit union leagues and associations

These are blogs that represent credit union chapters, leagues and associations. I had to scrape to find nine including a couple that are just news aggregators and a couple that seem to be dormant. That not to say there aren't gems here—I particularly enjoy Jeff Hardin's CU Communicator and CUNA's YES Summit Blog.

  1. Feed | URL | Austin Chapter of Credit Unions
  2. Feed | URL | CU Communicator
  3. Feed | URL | CUNA News Now Headlines
  4. Feed | URL | YES CU Blog: Serving 18-to-30s
  5. Feed | URL | Fort Worth Chapter of Credit Unions
  6. Feed | URL | NAFCU Compliance Blog
  7. Feed | URL | NCUA Recently Posted Information*
  8. Feed | URL | The Mica Minute
  9. Feed | URL | WOCCU's International Partnersips Blog

And, since I could only find 9, I'll round out the dozen with two more credit union blogs that should have been in the previous list and one wild card that I don't know where to fit!

  1. Feed | URL | Coor's Credit Union Blog
  2. Feed | URL | What are You Saving For? by Member's Credit Union
  3. Feed | URL | The CU Skeptic


  • Dozen blogs by credit union service providers
  • Dozen blogs by providers servicing banks and credit unions
  • Dozen blogs by credit union employees
  • Dozen blogs by credit unions

Next up:

  • Dozen blogs about marketing and social media
  • Dozen blogs that are just silly and fun

You know the drill! If I missed any of your favourites, add them in the comments.


Blog starter kit part 6: a dozen blogs about marketing and social media

Blog starter kit part 4: a dozen blogs by credit unions