The Evolution of Sales, Social and Young Adults

The Evolution of Sales, Social and Young Adults

Last week we launched our first ever loan campaign for Servus Credit Union's Young & Free Alberta. As we reach the program’s sixth anniversary, that seems almost impossible to believe, yet our philosophy with Young & Free has always been to connect with people on a personal level, using lots of social avenues, so that they remember your awesome credit union when they need that checking account, or loan or credit card.

Six years in, we think we’ve done well with this strategy. Servus has thousands and thousands of new 18- to 25-year-old members, aging with the credit union and using whatever Servus products fit their life stage as their needs change. 

The buzz these days is loan growth, and Servus's objectives are no different. Along with the Servus Young & Free marketing team of Michelle, Chris and Kelsey, we’ve created a specific Young & Free Loan Campaign, to generate awareness amongst 18- to 25-year-olds in Alberta that the credit union has "loans that fit your life." You can get a “finally moving out of the basement” loan, a “stop living by the bus schedule loan” or a “put my career in the fast lane loan.” Whatever fits YOUR life.


With today's tight budgets, we need to use all available channels to spread the word. In addition to the traditional channels of direct mail and in-branch presence, the campaign is supported using online and social mediums including a Taylor Swift Facebook contest, Facebook promoted posts, flyer ads and, for the first time, we’re trying YouTube pre-roll ads using a 15-second animated video. Here it is:  

Should social be used to sell? At one time we thought "no." We believe that's changing, and as long as what you are selling is helpful to your audience, people are OK with it. Actually, if people follow a company socially, they probably even expect it.


Sandy Pitkethly is the Vice President, Marketing for Currency Marketing and manages new business development and overall client service. She has over 20 years of marketing experience, and will stop at nothing to turn you into a curling fan. If you are interested in Young & Free, Money Mom, or finding out what curling is all about, Sandy's the one to talk to.

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