The Perfect Facebook Post?

Earlier this year, I worked with a credit union in Saskatchewan, Canada to help set up and guide their foray into social media. They have a small marketing department and weren’t sure they’d be able to do everything they wanted to do when it came to social media.

New It's a Money Thing Video: Credit Score Breakdown

Our second It's a Money Thing video is complete and ready for our subscribers. Jen meets Credit Squirrel and learns about credit scores and why they are important. It's fast-paced and filled with educational tidbits. I'm very proud of this piece and it really sets the tone of what you can expect from our content packs going forward.

Are You Holding Your Credit Union Back?

During my acting days, a particularly astute director once gave me this piece of wisdom: "Villains never believe that they are the villain of their own story. In their mind, they are right." This is not to paint all upper management as villains, but rather to help you identify if you are the one holding up progress. No one ever wants to think of themselves as being a barrier to progress, but you may be inadvertently creating roadblocks for your team.