Credit Union Unboxing

Recently, I bought a new thermometer for our home. There was nothing wrong with our current model—it was programmable and did a fine job of controlling the heat and air conditioning. In fact, I had never given the subject any thought whatsoever.

Shaking and Jamming in Colorado

Five years ago this week, Larissa Walkiw and I presented at the 2008 CUES Execu/Summit in Steamboat Springs, Colorado. Fast forward to 2013 and I'm back for another go. This time in Snowmass Village, Colorado which is just down the road from Aspen. 

CUNA GAC Foreign Correspondent

Over the past few days, I had the pleasure of attending the Credit Union National Association Government Affairs Conference in Washington, DC. ​With over 4,200 attendees, the GAC is the largest credit union conference in the world with the largest exhibitor hall of any financial services conference in the world.